
Reviving My MEGADISK – A Journey with DG’s EMU

Last stop California, I promise (As much as I love the ocean, I love my Atlantic Ocean spot) Get on with it, won’t you Tuc?! Sorry, no tricking, yes, we have one more diversion until I get back to the actual RACS III system. But it’s for a good reason, I promise. Given the fact there is only one real…

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Vintage Computing: A Weekend Dive into Tandy Assembly 2023

Tandy who, in where? (Assembly, and in Springfield Ohio) A Tandy Assembly gathering you say? Of likeminded people? While I was conversing with Ian Mavric, who as previously mentioned is “dr.ians_junque/TRS-80 Universe” and where I got a box full of goodies from, he mentioned that he was going to be in the US for “Tandy Assembly”. I was previously unaware…

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