
Behind the Scenes: My Organized Communication Project

(As if Reality TV is real. 😉 )

Can I EVER be trusted again?

So I need to let you in on a little secret. Things really haven’t gone EXACTLY as I’ve said here. Yes, I know, astonishing!! I admit I’m actually not as organized, not as waterfall about doing this as it might come across. I’ve actually had a version of this running on trs80gp for a long time now. I’ve seen what condition my boot disk was in, I’ve seen all the partitions, I’ve seen it up and running. VIRTUALLY.

It takes time to do things, so I’ve sorta been multi-tasking. I’ve worked on the serial part from early on, reviewed the disks and the results (And refined them), etc. But in the end it really IS building up to it being back online.

Will the end justify the means?

Here is a look at it organized booting up on trs80gp –

So there you have it, what it actually looks like when it boots. So it does (and will) exist. 🙂 (Don’t mind the 255’s in the Modem/RS232, that’s something we’re still working out). Let’s get in organized!

But WHEN will it be online??

So I had planned to actually get it online the end of December, but “The best laid plans of mice and men often are totally effed up“. My father-in-law died while on a vacation in Nepal mid November and things have been all over the place. But I’ll be back and working to get it running in January.

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About Tuc .

Tuc, owner and Sysop of RACS III started his computing adventures on an IBM 5110 with a 4 inch screen, 16K Basic, 2 8" floppy drives and a 132 column dot matrix printer in 1978. After retiring for a bit to Tucs Beachin OBX House in NC, he came back and is now the Senior Site Reliability Engineering Manager for a global SAAS company.
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